community service

Community service is voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. When most people hear community service the think you have gotten into some sort of trouble and you have to pay your debt to society. In reality you can do community service just because, and it would be the right thing to do. Yeah, it can be boring at some times but it could also be really fun depending on who you are, what you're doing and most importantly who you're doing it for.
  Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection helps kids get college and career ready. Keep you on track with school. Make sure you (kids) are doing what is right. During school and after school they give their service. Salt Springs St. and in school they give their service. They help kids be successful, and the best they can be. They will help you with anything if you ask them. For nearly 30 years, Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection (HW-SC) has helped students overcome the barriers that cause them to drop out and abandon their education. We change the norm for students and families living in generational poverty by giving them necessary guidance and the tools to be successful in school – expanding their access to education and employment opportunities.
  I helped freshman and sophomores (9th and 10th Graders) sign a contract with hillside saying what they will do to better their education, how will they reach that goal, an on what two days of the week will they come to the phoenix center to get work done, or even get tutored. I also helped serve food to them, give them a t-shirt, lanyard, and a hillside planner. I also so talked about the importance of getting help on homework, passing the regents, being on time to class, and being respectful and organized.
  The 9th and 10th graders were all paying attention, they didn't respond to many questions we asked, most of the kids are doing well in school, and they come to the phoenix center to get help on their homework and regents. In which we wanted the students to do, we wanted them to know that we aren't here to bother them, or get on their nerves, we just to make sure you are getting done what needs to be done.
  When the kids got to the phoenix center for the meeting with Mr. O'Connor, I didn't think they would listen to anyone, but during the meeting they listened very attentively to what he had to say. Even when I started to talk they did the same thing. I do think i made a difference, being that I'm a senior talking to the 9th and 10th graders. The kids can better their education, by paying attention in class, use the phoenix center to their ability to get the job done. I believe community service can help you with people skills, not being afraid to talk to large groups of kids. Which will then get you to break out being nervous to talk to younger people, or even older. I would recommend my community service opportunities to other students so they can see that not all kids are bad. They do listen and will pay attention to what you say.

1 comment:

  1. A well written reflection with thoughtful comments. It appears you have the Hillside Mission statement, but quotes around the statement would have been helpful. Interesting observation about how community service - is valuable because it helps the volunteer improve their communication skills.
